A Review of the Lifestyles Income Opportunity

What was the first thing you thought about when you saw the title with Lifestyles name in it? For us, we originally thought the name was derived to let everyone know it didn’t matter what lifestyle you were living, it could always be better or you could make it better by using or selling their products. So of course, that was the very first thing we wanted to find out when we visited the company’s website and found out it was a health and wellness company.

Starting as far back as 1989, Lifestyles has built itself into a worldwide company, spanning over 30 countries today. In searching for that product that would separate the company from other health and wellness companies around the world, we didn’t really see anything that stood out with the “wow” factor when first browsing the website. So instead, we moved on to the opportunity and see what it had to offer.

To join, you can purchase a membership for $40 and receive a distributor kit, discounts, bonuses, company and up-line support, along with your membership selling abilities to span worldwide. Lifestyles offers a “Premier Pack” or “Instant Direct” plan which are both step ups from the forty dollar starter package. They offer more points for products and additional discounts off, but as far as a price for these programs, you will have to call the company, because we couldn’t find it on the website.

As we look at the compensation plan, we can’t really give you a definite answer as most of the information is vague from what we have found regarding the plan. This is not something new that Lifestyles has invented or anything, in fact it’s quite common in many companies who are trying to get you to talk with them either over the phone, or by video email. Why? For the same reason you go to a timeshare presentation and they want you to buy now and have that sale for “today and today only.”

Many people who search a company online like Lifestyles sometimes don’t understand all aspects of the company and go looking for another company because of it. So instead, companies will leave just enough information to peak your interest so you will call and ask more questions. They do offer information on their compensation plan, but not specifics all the way down to the bone.

However, we’ll leave you with some of it and you can give them a call if you want more information. You have the opportunity through Lifestyles company to earn retail and wholesale income. We found this interesting as people who refer other people even if they were only customers, they received discounted prices for each person they referred to the company. There wasn’t an actual number, but it was intriguing enough that someone will want to find out more information.

The rest is through generation, fast track, and organizational bonuses built up from duplication which seems to be what the company revolves around according to their website. While probably one of the first companies to come into the internet health and wellness world, the company today seems to leave informational holes in hopes of explaining everything on the phone.

Look at some of the products like Vigor and Intra, which were two that we ended up looking at, and see if it’s something you are interested in investing your money for a new business. Then again, you may just end up being a customer. If so, we were glad you came across this article.

Social Media Strategy: Video Creates a Strong Brand

Statistically, the presence of video on a social media platform is a big part in creating a world class brand. Online video is growing by leaps and bounds in popularity each day. Each day more people are searching the Web looking for video content. This creates a great opportunity for marketers as they try to create world class brands. New audiences exist looking for online content. Supply high quality video creates the opportunity for the development of world class brands. Many people spend as much time watching online video as they do reading online content. Creating a video is an important thing because material that is placed on a social platform has to be visual and it has to grab your audience’s attention. I think that the best social media campaigns that I have seen have been The Fiesta Movement (the Ford Fiesta), The Obama Campaign of 2008, and Rihanna’s Facebook Page. In each video was a prominent part of the posting strategy.

Video involves an entire strategy. If you do it, it has to be done well. In social media a brand has to play to their strengths. If you post things, it has to look good, it has to resonate with your audience. One of the most important items that the Obama campaign did was to have a video from a man who explained why the candidacy was so important to him. He said that before Barack ran, he could not honestly tell his daughter that she could be anything that she wanted to be. With Barack’s candidacy now he could say something like that.

A Page is created to create brand with your customers. The best way to create brand is have friends recommend the brand to other friends. One of the strongest means of recommendation is through a video. The video has to have high quality and done well to have the impact that a marketer wants in creating brand awareness. A marketer has to make a decision in their video strategy. Does the marketer make the video, or does the individual customer or supporter. Friends like to receive things from their friends, but if the video is poor, this is not good for the brand’s reputation. Personalized video were an important part of the Ford Fiesta Campaign, and the Obama campaign. Rihanna does both. On her page, she has videos from her concerts taken by individual fans that are not high quality. In social media branding, a marketer wants the customer to take possession of the brand. This creates brand. On the other hand, you want your page to have a high quality to it. Rihanna has other video that is professionally done to offset the poor videos.

The beauty of online video is that it is an important tool in creating a modern brand and yet it is simple, nowadays, to create a high quality video. As author Susan Guelius tells us, the process of creating videos for the social platforms has become less overwhelming thanks to technological advancements.

Preinstalled computer tools which are basic to any new modern computer can create great videos. Mac users can create videos with the microphone, camera, and software that come preinstalled. PC users can purchase an inexpensive webcam and digital microphone or a Flip Video camera for under $150 and start creating videos the same day. What was once an intimidating and expensive process is now so easy a child can do it—and if you search YouTube for video content, you can find many videos created and uploaded by kids.

Marketers can upload and share their video content through video sites such as YouTube, TubeMogul, and others. This content is immediately available to wide audiences which make immediate brand creation a real possibility. This is why the Ford Fiesta and Barack Obama became strong brands very quickly. Video also provides a new way to connect with your existing and potential audience in a way that written text cannot because video is an innately interactive medium.

Creating video on a social media platform is a ground floor opportunity for a modern marketer to create strong long-term brands. Online video is still in its growth stage. By creating brands now, with this medium, a marketer can create long-term customer loyalty, for new brands. This is a great medium, but the right person has to do it. A poor video can have a negative effect on a brand.

Dean Hambleton

[email protected]

Your Employed But Are You Doing Your Part?

Let’s face it. This is a bad year for the employed. Of course, it is worse for the unemployed, but those individuals who are holding jobs during this time are working harder with less resources than ever before. Instead of feeling sorry for ourselves, we should be using this time to stand out in our work environment. You know you go to work every day and are expected to do twice as much with half as much, but have you considered what your company needs to help them increase their productivity and to change their present situation.Turf battles should be put aside and new ways to get things done should be part of your daily workload. You are probably familiar with many processes that could be handled more quickly and accurately with technology that you have resisted when your company was successful. Now is the time to help your organization recognize what solutions will allow them to initiate strategic change so that they can ensure that the company stays afloat.Your boss may be frustrated and reflecting that frustration on you, but what better time to show that you are capable of rising above the aches and pains of working in a bad economy. Go to work and demonstrate that you are a team player; that you believe that some day your company will be back on its feet and you will be there when it happens.If you look around and you see that your colleagues are negative about their situation, suggest ways to improve the company’s output, rally the troops and look forward to keeping your job in a company that you can enjoy going to each day.